Edgewood Barn Buddies 4-H Club
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Welcome To The Edgewood Barn Buddies 4-H Club web page!
Hi! We are the members of the Edgewood Barn Buddies 4-H club. Our club was established in 1999 in Butler County Ohio. To date our club is over 20 members strong.

Our club members like to raise and show rabbits, sheep, hogs, steers, and goats.

We also like to work on special interest projects like collectibles, genealogy, sewing and cooking.
The 4-H Pledge
I Pledge:
My Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service,
My Health to better living,
For my Club, my Community, my Country and my World

4-H Motto
To make the best better


Lisa Frisby



Jill Gannon


Kayla Frisbywas the winner of the Edgewood Barn Buddies Outstanding Club Member Award.  Tracey Butts was the winner of the Advisors Award.  Congratulations guys!